OR ....
5 lovely things my husband did for me this week.
1. Made Charlie's lunch every day
2. Brought me tea in bed--- every morning
3. Made dinner AND cleaned up
4. Unloaded the dishwasher (but he ALWAYS does that)
5. Called me from the road to see what groceries we needed at home
Doing genuinely kind things for each other is easy on birthdays and special occasions. When you're into the daily grind, it's harder. Still, it's the right thing to do.
On the day we got married, we said, "Let's be good to each other." It was, and always has been, the spirit of our marriage. Sort of. At least it has been this week.
(our wedding day)
Also I wanted to post
this interesting article on list-making from the BBC about listmaking. I could have written the first three paragraphs!
Coming up ............my Oscar predictions!