I am in a state of flux........
We are moving in six weeks and we have a lot of things to sort out.
We're in between seasons, in this strange weather pattern when it's chilly one day and super warm the next.
I don't know whether to dress in summer clothes or winter ones.
Also, I just finished my book and don't know what to read next.
I need to buckle down and make some decisions. Need to get organized! Need to plan our garage sale!
I have so much to do! HELP!
Classic sign of autumn, these berries that appear on the yew bushes. When we were little we'd pick these and have wars throwing them at each other. Ew.
A few of us went to see the movie The September Issue today (about Vogue's editor-in-chief Anna Wintour--loved it by the way). Some came in flip-flops -- others in boots!
P.S. Guess what!?? I met a girl this weekend who's going to teach me letterpressing!!!!!!